Featured Posts of 2019

TWC 3:The news

And so things went on.I heard about him everyday in our conversations.

Then,one day,she told me that the date for the engagement was fixed.And since I can't do justice to this bit by writing,I'm putting up screenshots:P We were both that excited--which says something coz neither of us are the hyper type!


I happened to be in the library when she told me.I couldn't study for half a day after I heard this:P The worst part was I was dying to tell someone and I couldn't.Then,as soon as Sam heard about it,she called me.We spoke for ages:)

Ramya wanted to tell everyone else in person.25th was the day it would be known,she said:) Let's stop here for now. 


  1. She hyped it sooooooo muccchhhh, :D , :D

  2. Varun Puh-lease!Your reaction kind of drowned all the hype.Jumpiness Maxxx...

  3. You didn't even see me, but yeah I was jumping literally!! :D

  4. His mom told him not to jump at the altar Ramya XD


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