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Excerpts from my life:Positivity

I sit with my laptop on a Sunday morning,looking out my window.The usually crowded place is unusually silent today,probably because most people are still deep in slumber. It's bright and sunny outside.I've always wanted to watch the sunrise--that's probably why I'm a morning person.It's a very elusive moment in all of nature.If you've observed carefully,you'd have noticed that you can never pinpoint that transition.It's like one of those titrations they make you do in chemistry--the endpoint is suddenly there.At least there,you can slow down things and actually see the transition but here,there's no such way.It just happens. One moment it's dark.Then,you see faint hints of light.And then,all of a sudden,it dawns.Bright and clear.Somehow,that gives me hope about things.That everything could change.Just like that.In a blink.And that's why I aspire to be awake to watch the sunrise every single day. P.S:Although I don't actually wake

Excerpts from my life:Sand in an hourglass

There are some days when the present and future is all you think about.And then,there are others days.Days when your past seems all too real.Nostalgia,when it's good.For me,today happens to be one of those days.This evening,actually. I sit here,paralyzed by a feeling I can't adequately describe in words.I have a million things to do,but my mind refuses to cooperate.It wanders hither and thither,back and forth along those lanes of the past.I long for those days. I want my pictures.At the end of college,I had about 10 thousand pictures,ranging from infancy till then,both on my phone and my laptop.They covered friends,family,every tiny nuance of my life.I never used to look at them much--coz I'd already done so countless times and was bored.Before leaving home,my phone was short on space so I deleted everything save my beloved quotes.Similarly,on my laptop,I needed space for both a dual boot partition and a virtual machine.Again,I did a clean wipe.I never thought it woul

CD 14:Absent-minded squared

Being hostelites,a lot of us have this habit of going to class with just a notebook and our keys.My friend,Bala has this habit of placing them on a very inconspicuously weird location on her chair--this juncture where the chair ends and the legs begin.Noone even notices they're there and sometimes even she forgets. Today,I happened to be sitting behind her.Bhavani,who was next to me says, "I bet you she's going to forget her keys." Class ended,and just as she'd predicted Bala walked away without her keys.I was the only one who noticed.I picked it up,with every intention of giving it to her right then. Just then,Minu said "Keep it with you for a while.Don't give it to her immediately." Although I don't usually do this sort of thing,today I decided to. Just two minutes.She's probably not even going to realise. I came out of class and remembered I had to meet a professor.I looked around wondering if I should return her keys but saw that

CD 13:Hail the water bottle

Hello,my sadly neglected blog.I can't find the time to write these days:( I surprisingly have fifteen minutes now and I figured I'd write something. This one's on request:P One afternoon,we were all heading downstairs after lab(DSP if I remember right).I felt thirsty and took out my water bottle.That's when Ramya remembers:"Hey,I forgot my water bottle in the lab.Damn.I've to go again now".Ranji and Sam volunteer to get it for her. This is no big deal.Happens on an everyday basis :P They're back in a couple of minutes with a quizzical expression.The attender isn't giving it to us.First he asked "Only a water bottle?".We said yes.And then he's like "Whose is it?Call her here." So we all go the lab wondering about this.We wait outside while Ramya goes in.She comes back two minutes later,with an armload of stuff and a mortified expression.She's carrying her water bottle,pouch,wallet,phone,lab manual,record and a 10