Featured Posts of 2019

Excerpts from my life:Sand in an hourglass

There are some days when the present and future is all you think about.And then,there are others days.Days when your past seems all too real.Nostalgia,when it's good.For me,today happens to be one of those days.This evening,actually.

I sit here,paralyzed by a feeling I can't adequately describe in words.I have a million things to do,but my mind refuses to cooperate.It wanders hither and thither,back and forth along those lanes of the past.I long for those days.

I want my pictures.At the end of college,I had about 10 thousand pictures,ranging from infancy till then,both on my phone and my laptop.They covered friends,family,every tiny nuance of my life.I never used to look at them much--coz I'd already done so countless times and was bored.Before leaving home,my phone was short on space so I deleted everything save my beloved quotes.Similarly,on my laptop,I needed space for both a dual boot partition and a virtual machine.Again,I did a clean wipe.I never thought it would matter.

Sigh!It does now.I want to look at those very pictures.To recollect each incident associated with them.To let those familiar memories soothe me.To see those happy moments.Moments when that smile was spontaneous.When happiness was nothing extraordinary.But my phone and laptop are blank.My mind swirls with a million memories.

The past lives on forever.In our minds.
