Featured Posts of 2019

CD 13:Hail the water bottle

Hello,my sadly neglected blog.I can't find the time to write these days:( I surprisingly have fifteen minutes now and I figured I'd write something.

This one's on request:P

One afternoon,we were all heading downstairs after lab(DSP if I remember right).I felt thirsty and took out my water bottle.That's when Ramya remembers:"Hey,I forgot my water bottle in the lab.Damn.I've to go again now".Ranji and Sam volunteer to get it for her.This is no big deal.Happens on an everyday basis :P

They're back in a couple of minutes with a quizzical expression.The attender isn't giving it to us.First he asked "Only a water bottle?".We said yes.And then he's like "Whose is it?Call her here."

So we all go the lab wondering about this.We wait outside while Ramya goes in.She comes back two minutes later,with an armload of stuff and a mortified expression.She's carrying her water bottle,pouch,wallet,phone,lab manual,record and a 1000 page textbook! The very sight of it makes us double up with laughter.

The attender must have been thinking She left all this behind and all she remembers is her water bottle?!! I ask her "If you left all this in the lab,what the hell are you carrying in your bag?"She opens it and it's gaping empty.Typical:D

Ah,those good old days.Sigh.I feel ancient :P


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