Featured Posts of 2019

EFML:Winds of change

Society largely frowns upon change.She's changed/He's changed is always uttered with an ominous sound.As if staying the same is the ultimate goal of life.But pause for a moment and ponder upon this:If we don't change at all,what is the point of all that we experience?Our experiences are meant to shape us,to change us.

Machine learning is a buzzword these days--and sometimes I wonder how easily this is programmed into us humans.In fact,every species on earth has this ability.We all adapt to life.Change without even realising it.How powerful are the algorithms wired into our brains then?

How much of this change is desirable though?That's again subjective.A hundred people will appreciate you for the new you,and twice that many will frown disapprovingly at who you are.

What matters at the end of the day is what you see when you look at yourself.You have a picture of who you want to be,and it's your foremost duty to be that person.If you don't like who you have become,then it doesn't matter if everyone else does.

But introspection is easier said than done.To look at yourself accurately requires objectivity and objectivity requires distance.You need to distance you from your  own self.Half of my readers are going to wonder if I'm mad after reading this--I wonder that too:p

P.S:I've been told that I've changed so often in the past year that it scares me.All the people who've said this are the ones who know me really well.I look at myself and I see that change too.But I cannot say if it's good.Not yet.I'm still at the line where the sand meets the waves.I want to stay true to who I am and yet embrace life in all its messed up glory.Which leaves me as confused as ever:D


  1. Yeah, its pretty confusing, but at the end of the day if u can sleep peacefully & happily, then, the change is good :)


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