Featured Posts of 2019


I've been craving to write since midnight.Having slept for barely an hour last night,my thoughts are still hazy and clarity is an entire city away.I might have to re-read this and edit once my brain comes back to normal.On second thoughts,I think I'd better keep this short--rewriting is a pain and it'll end up ruining the flow anyway.Drabble it's going to be:P Expect bleary-eyed philosophy and abstract thought that's circular.

Life is akin to an ocean.There are times when the waves lap peacefully at your feet.Then,there are times when the raging furore of foam and froth all but overwhelms you.The waves mercilessly lash out at you as if their only goal is to rob you of your footing.You feel like you'll drown any moment.In that moment,what do you hold on to?What do you clutch at?

Faith.Belief.What's called athma vishwasa.This is more important than anything else in life.Finding the strength within. Knowing that no matter what,you'll be fine.There have been days where I have wept in despair.Yet,I have also known that I'll survive it,just as I have so far.

Another observation I've had to make is this:People who are passionate about something other than their work/academics--it could be anything under the sun:music,dance,painting,sports,reading,writing,a million other things-- find these anchors easily.They're never as overwhelmed as the others;for they always have their passion to hold on to.Their art form also gives them happiness,strength and belief.

This is true even for me.On my saddest days,I can read/write/sing and forget the whole world.I've realised that I should treasure these things and nourish them carefully for they are all too important to lose out in the hustle and bustle of life.

A conversation I had yesterday reinforced this opinion of mine.I missed a concert I'd really wanted to attend and was talking to my friend about it.The musician was an esteemed violinist who's been playing for 80 years now.She told me,He seemed so humble and childlike.There was this aura about him that was captivating.He seemed so happy with everything and everyone.

Although this made me regret missing the concert all the more,this is again something I've noticed in artists.They attain a state of radiant,blissful happiness.There's something divine about it.It shows through in their music.It's beyond perfect.It's transcendental.Maybe it's a form of a enlightenment?

In conclusion,all I have to say is this.If you have a passion for something,follow it.Cultivate it and cherish it like you would a treasured sapling.It will serve you well.:)

P.S:Talk about old wine in a new bottle! Most of what I write turns out to be cliched:|
