To my soul sister:)
When it comes to friends,life has been wonderful to me.I only have a handful of them,but each one is a shimmering treasure.Even if you scoured the earth from end to end,you wouldn't find a bunch of people as amazing as these.This is for one such friend--someone whose thoughts are out of this world.Someone who inspires me in every conversation we have:)
I first met her when we were in our first year of Pre-University.Although we shared classes only two hours a day and at that for a period of six months,I still knew that this was a friendship that would last a lifetime.And I was right.
It's been six years and time has only made our friendship better.We don't talk everyday.Life gets in the way and mostly,it gets around a month or two before we talk.There's something called mutualistic symbiosis(if my biology memory serves me right:P)--wherein both the organisms are dependent on each other and benefit from the association.We're like that--each time I talk to her,I feel rejuvenated.We're both people who see the world a tad differently.And it feels so good to talk to a kindred spirit.To someone who actually understands what I say.And she in turn,adds on to my views with interesting opinions of her own.
We're like starry eyed dreamers.We talk about everything abstract.Philosophy is one of our favorite poisons:P
She is an artist.In fact,one of the best I've ever known.And like all good ones,she's humble enough to think that she's no good.She sends me sketches now and then and I preserve these pictures like a treasure--cause one day they're going to be in an art gallery:)
NB:find said sketches at the end of the post.I'm taking the liberty of putting these up without actually asking her,hoping that she won't mind.
As much as I'd love to post all of this without any reason,there is in fact a reason.Life isn't always fair to us and we all go through troubled times.She is going through one such phase now,and it hurts me to see it.
I would love to solve all your problems for you,Niri.I wish I could tell you that this is what you have to do and that everything will be fine after you do that.But life is never that way.Noone can really help us decide.We always have to decide for ourselves,no matter how tough it seems.And the answers are within us--it just takes time to find them.That time can be quite traumatic but remember that will also be transforming.
In tarot cards,there's a card called Death.It's the card that everyone hopes doesn't turn up in their reading,for they see it to signify something catastrophic.But it isn't always that.It means transformation.And great change is always accompanied by turbulence--proportional to the magnitude of change.Like everything else,the turbulence is transient too.You'll soon be past it and then all you'll remember of the storm is a vague memory.In fact,sometimes,you'll even look at it fondly,because it made you who you are today.Taught you so much.
And while you're in this phase,you need to shut out people.For what is the world? It's just reflections of people on you.You can choose to limit your world.If you think they don't belong in your world,forget that they exist.Forget all that they say.It doesn't matter anyway--what they say is a projection of who they are.It can never define who you are--only you can define yourself.
Remember to believe in yourself.Sometimes,even the people who matter to us don't believe in us and that can be quite painful.Know then,that their skepticism is more out of concern and fear than anything else--forgive them for that,because they mean well.Remember that there's always one person in this world who'll believe you.No matter what you choose.But more importantly,you need to believe in yourself.In your decisions,once you make them.That's all there is to it.Choose.And have no regrets.
All I'm trying to say is this:I can't decide for you,but I'll be there by your side.Every step of the way.To listen to you whenever you feel like talking.To give you my perspective on anything.And I know that you'll be fine.Deep down,you know that too:) Hold on to that conviction and everything will turn out well.
I wish with all my heart that you find what you're looking for.Something amazing.Something that will define you.Because if anyone deserves it,you do:) And I know you will find it--when you do,come back and tell me that you've found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.It will make me really happy:)
Dedicated to an amazing artist,a wonderful friend and an incredible human being!
To all my readers out there,here are her sketches.If you want to let her know how amazing they are,leave a comment:)
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