Featured Posts of 2019

Time rolls its ceaseless course

Time is the strangest of them all. We discretize it into seconds, minutes, hours, days and years. What not. But tell me, have you ever really felt the passage of time? Not until you stop and look back. Time feels so fluid. Like an ever moving river. You get so accustomed to the movement that it feels static.

How things have changed, we mourn ruefully. And the immediate culprit that comes to mind is time. But is it really? Is the effect of moving through an ever changing dimension enough to produce change? Or is time merely a criminal whose charges are based on circumstantial evidence?

We celebrate birthdays and new years and herald the beginning of something new. We express sorrow at the loss of something old. Is anything really new or old? Time sometimes feels like a mobius strip-no end and no beginning.

Time is my favorite muse. I imagine it in different garbs.
Often times I see it as a sliding window. (One of those things that they use to teach you filtering algorithms:P) It always encompasses three sections-the past, the present and the future. It slides just a little forward and then the present becomes the past and the future the present. N-1,N,N+1...

When I'm being imaginative, I think of time as a really grand tapestry where all facets of the universe are knitted together by causality,slowly forming an intricate pattern of logic. The true "big picture".

I thank time for being ultimate provider of catharsis. Nothing you do will ever be as powerful as what time does to you. The past is in the past.

Time is the most contradictory of commodities,being bestowed with that eccentric trait called relativity. The busy can never get enough of time. And the lost and lonely crib that there is so much of time on their hands. Every day has but 24 hours though.

Then there are other times when time feels frustrating. Like a merry go round that will not stop moving, even though you're terribly dizzy and all you want to do is get off. You want to savor a moment, and you realise the moment is already gone. If only I could stop time, you wish.

Time somehow decides so many aspects of our lives. The 'right time' is one of those mysterious phrases we never stop hearing. Maybe we should give it some credence. All the people we meet are time's benedictions to us, aren't they? If you had been born just a year later, the majority of friends and acquaintances of a quarter century of your life would be totally different from what they were. Imagine that.

All said and done, time is the most wonderful dimension. Which other can claim relativity as its progeny? And be the frustration and love of billions of people? None other than that wise mysterious one. Time.
