Featured Posts of 2019

On the surface of a mobius strip

Wondering if I can write anything worthwhile in less than 50 words(okay, make that 100:P).Here goes nothing:)

Things change.More often than not,this change is irreversible.Which is why you can revisit people and places,but it isn't as you've imagined it to be.You are also a part of this change--each day destroys the you from yesterday and re-creates you for the morrow.Considering this,every action leads you to a place that you cannot come back from.In life,there is no full circle.

I wish to go back to a scheme of things that has long since changed.I myself have.
Nostalgia is all the more painful when you realize there is no scope for recreating what you so dearly miss.

If you looked at life as a series of points that you could never again revisit,would you live it differently?

Image result for mobius strip


  1. Yes of course, i would live every single moment as if it were the last one. And I want to thank you for providing me with the greatest inspiration I could have got today.

    1. Honored--and your words, in turn, made my day! :)


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