Featured Posts of 2019


Dedicated to a friend who's been asking me to write.Apparently, she checks my blog every night to see if there's something new--I'm touched:) This is for you,Niri!

Another dreary weekend after what was a week straight out of assignment hell.Sleepless nights followed in rapid succession till I knew not whether I was a zombie or a human.Finally,the weekend was here.Not that I was enthusiastic about it--far from it.

Friday night and my friends decide to go to the gym the next morning.Let's go at 5.30,they say.I highly doubt that's possible coz most of them sleep way after midnight and closer to dawn:P

Saturday morning and I wake up at 5.50 feeling groggy as hell.I would have gone back to sleep in a minute,but I got a text.A friend who texted saying she wouldn't come.Great!Now I feel even more like going back to sleep:D

I called up another friend I'm supposed to wake up and surprisingly she's awake.We both hit the gym.She left after 40 minutes and I after 50.Sweat poured down me in rivulets.But I felt nothing akin to the happiness I get after a long,long walk.It felt frustrating.That's when I had the epiphany that the gym is not for me.Never going back:P.Stupid machines that mechanize and confine the process of physical activity so much that you forget what the outdoors and real exercise feels like.

The soreness will probably hit me like a train wreck tomorrow (given that I'm a novice:P) but I nevertheless want to go a walk.This has left me even more frustrated than when I woke up.

I pound on my friend's door.Let's go for a walk.I really need someone with a fully functional hippocampus to find my way back,since mine's hopeless:P She agrees and we set out.Initially,we start on the path I walk everyday which is around 3.2km,but the monotony of it gets to us both.

At the first unfamiliar turning,she says:What's here?The adventurer in me is grinning.Let's go find out,I reply.And so it starts.We continue taking random turns.Soon,we have no idea where we are.But,does it matter? She even reasons:Eventually,we will find our way since it's all circular.I see the logic in it.That's what Magellan and the likes of him did when they circumnavigated the earth didn't they? :p

After twenty minutes or so,the traffic starts thinning out.The people start fading away.I'm starting to feel happy.The solitude is like balm to my soul.Far from the madding crowd!Soon,we're in a place where it's absolutely quiet.All I hear are birds and my own footfalls.It's starting to get beautiful.It's like one those dreams I wrote about just a few days back.

Suddenly she's like:Hey,there's a lake here!
I look and sure enough there's one.It takes my breath away.
I don't believe this.A lake.In the city of zombies.This has to be a dream:D

Picturesque.Serene.Wordsworthian.Damn,I'm running out of words to describe this:P We stood there for about ten minutes,taking pictures and being awed by the beauty.Storks,swallows and ducks were in abundance.Wildflowers that took your breath away.Not to mention the fog that curled around you in misty swirls while the sun lazily peeked out,as if wondering whether to slumber longer.For once,the wind felt like it should.Unpolluted.Pleasant.Cold.

This is what they call serendipity isn't it? Stumbling onto something while you least expect it.It felt this amazing because I least expected to see anything but IT companies here.My mind was so conditioned to that notion that a lake seemed like the ninth wonder of Electronic City:P

And there ended our adventure.We plodded our weary way back to college and found that we'd walked 8.3km in addition to the one hour at the gym:P Didn't feel tiring actually. The exhilaration of discovering the lake maybe!I wonder how the pioneering explorers of the earth felt---maybe this feeling magnified a million times?

 They say Sagittarians are born with wanderlust and adventure in their blood--that travel is their deepest craving.I'm starting to feel that now.I want to do this more often.And not just here! Walk the world--see everything there is to see:D

Good way to start the weekend,don't you think?

P.S:Said friend also happens to be a writer and is writing about this right now:P Will link it here once it's done.Let's see how our perspectives on the same thing are:)


So,here's the link--it took my cat-like friend days to get around to writing this:P
Like I said,we see things very differently!


  1. Hee Hee, you wrote it waayyy better than i ever could.. How do you ever get the time to do all this? :(

    1. Priorities:P You prioritize your work(As any masters' student should) and I my stupid writing and other stupid stuff that makes me happy:) Simply put,I waste time that should be spent productively :|

    2. First write and we'll see about that:D


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